Organicallygrowngroup's Blog

The Better Cotton Initiative

You may come across the Better Cotton Initiative. Reportedly, prominent companies are jumping on the Better Cotton Initiative bandwagon. According to the following link,, dated August 2009, the Better Cotton Initiative, at this time, included the use of cotton grown from genetically modified seeds. One can argue the benefits and detriments of genetically modified seeds.

At Organically Grown, we have nothing to do with the Better Cotton Initiative. When the BCI standard is organic, we will support their efforts. We are committed to providing our customers with 100% certified organic cotton, made without the use of pesticides and GMOs.


Can China Turn Cotton Green?

I just read an  fascinating article by Chris Wood that appeared in the February edition of Miller-McCune Magazine ( this is a great magazine).  The article cites one Chinese official as conceding that in 2006, the cumulative cost of environmental damage and pollution-related health care had effectively offset all of China’s widely envied 10 percent annual economic growth. Wow!
The Chinese government has essentially acknowledged they no longer can sustain a path of self destruction. This isn’t China’s problem , it’s all of our problem…and do you really think other countries aren’t having the same problem?…They are…And we all have to deal with it.
According to the Organic Exchange, 456 million pounds of toxic pesticides are used in conventional cotton production per year, the water supply and rivers become contaminated, farm workers become sick…7 out of 10 of the pesticides used are known, likely or probable carcinogens according to the EPA.
This would not be a problem if organic farming methods were mandated. Organically Grown’s cotton is made without harmful pesticides and other toxins.  The connection between what you wear and the effect it has on our planet…is obvious.  This is why we started, Organically Grown.
I strongly urge you to read this article.  Please go to and buy our products and support all organic products.