Organicallygrowngroup's Blog

DC Metro Moms Brand-Blogger Symposium

Organically Grown was recently asked to be a sponsor of the Silicon Valley Moms Group’s fifth annual DC Metro Moms Brand/Blogger Symposium, held at the Ritz Carlton in Washington D.C. this past June. This summer, the Silicon Valley Moms Group organized several of these events in major cities, hosting fifty influential parent bloggers from each metro area.

Our Organic Cotton Utility Bag was used as the gift bag given to all of the mom bloggers in attendance. On Twitter, moms were raving about our bags, with @thenagainphoto calling the tote “my favorite bag at the moment and as a self-professed bag-a-holic that’s saying a lot!” and @thienkim telling us, “it’s so soft. My daughter has already claimed it as her own!”

Organically Grown was proud to be one of the 20 sponsoring companies at this event for the 50 top mom bloggers in the D.C. area. The day included a brunch at the Ritz-Carlton ballroom, followed by a panel discussion about how brands and bloggers can work together. Unfortunately, the Silicon Valley Moms Group had to close this summer, but you can still read several of the moms’ accounts of the event at their former website.

Thank you to the Silicon Valley Moms Group, Leticia from Tech Savvy Mama, and Mary from Life Love Images for the photos.